
By AugustusWilliams

Review of Somatropin – Dosage, Side Effects, Results, Price

Somatropin is nothing but synthetic growth hormone. It is mainly used in growth hormone deficiency treatments. This is in use by medical industry from decades. Today there are more than twenty four brands of growth hormone drugs are available in the market. All these are generally referred to as Somatropin.

These drugs are available only through prescription. They are effective not only in treating growth hormone deficiencies but they can also be utilized for symptoms which are usually come with growth hormone deficiencies.


Somatropin is the term which is generic and used for all the growth hormones available in the market which are synthetically developed. Some of the brands which are common in this field and are very effective in treating growth hormone deficiencies are as follows.

  • Kigtropin
  • Genotropin
  • Norditropin
  • Serostim
  • Humatrope
  • Omnitrope

These prescription drugs can be utilized to treat growth hormone deficiencies found both in adults and children. Some may be very effective for children and there are some which are suggested and work well for adults. The recommendation depends on the medical condition of the patient. Other reasons which decide are associated symptoms and the cause behind growth hormone deficiency.

The one which is highly recommended for HIV/ AIDS patients is Serostin. It is very effective for those who are suffering from Cachexia which a muscle is wasting syndrome developed in these patients.

How it works?

somatropin rDNA origin belongs to the class of hormones called peptide hormones. It is a very effective growth stimulant. This can effectively replace the growth hormone in the body which is not produced in the adequate levels as expected. In the body natural growth hormones are produced in the pituitary gland. This natural growth hormone levels can be affected in case of malfunction, disease, or injury caused to pituitary gland.

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Side effects:

People may experience few negative effects from Somatropin like any other drug. But this may not be true for all the users and it also depends on the medical conditions as well.

Manufacturer of Somatropin will have a list of side effects that may be experienced and they will provide the proper indications for use of the drug which must be followed. Some of the common side effects are

  • Edema
  • Joint pain
  • Stiffness
  • Nerve pain this is sometimes localized and sometimes user experiences it in entire nerve path
  • Muscle pain
  • Risks associated with high cholesterol levels
  • Feelings of needles and pins in some areas of skin

Manufacturers also mention the adverse reactions and contradictions related to the medicine. This must be understood properly by the user. The usage and dose must also be decided based on expected outcomes and goals of the use. One more thing to consider and which is very important is cause or reason behind the deficiency.

In most of the cases people experience benefits by Somatropin. But at the same time one should also weigh this with the negative effects as well. The side effects are also dependent on the frequency of the injections and dosage used.