Home Improvement

By AugustusWilliams

In 5 Easy Steps, Renovate Your Bathroom

Bathrooms are one of the most difficult rooms to renovate. Even the smallest of changes can be costly and time-consuming. Most homeowners have remained the same bathroom decor for decades. Remodeling a space is now easier than ever. The sky is the limit with reliable and high-quality building materials such as magnesium oxide boards.

The entire process can be time-consuming and requires careful planning. However, the end result will be well worth it. After a long day at the office, you will be able to relax in your mini spa paradise and forget all of the obstacles you may have faced during renovations.

This list contains tips and suggestions to help you make smart decisions during this time.


You should make sure your bathroom is clean and germ-free.

It is not surprising that germs can grow quickly in these rooms and remain there for long periods of time. What can we do to minimize their presence?

An MgO board can be used as a ceiling and subflooring option. Magnesium oxide boards are highly resistant to insects, mold, and fungi because of their antimicrobial properties. They are therefore a great choice for you.bathroom.

Trendy Tiles

Now that flooring and ceiling are gone, let’s get to the most important part of a bathroom: tiles. There are so many options for tiles, but we recommend you keep your eyes open. You can combine different accessories with the classics like white subway tiles or earthy tones.

The timeless checkerboard tile floor tiles are a great alternative if you don’t like subtlety. These tiles are a perfect blend of classic and modern design. You can also add subtle stripes in neutral shades, such as light grey or beige to spice up your space.

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Statement Wall

Accent walls are a necessity in interior design. Accent walls are so refreshing that we all secretly adore them. What better way to brighten up your bathroom than by putting up an accent wall of a bold color?

Instead of regular drywall, you can choose a magnesium oxfordboard. It is known for being moisture-resistant and makes it an ideal choice for places such as bathrooms. The MgO board can be covered with any wall treatment you choose.